C. Valerio González 01126/00004, 1ro de Mayo, 23400 San José del Cabo, B.C.S., Mexico
C. Valerio González 01126/00004, 1ro de Mayo, 23400 San José del Cabo, B.C.S., Mexico
Description: Through an introspective architecture, contemporary Mexico, arenë represents the unique fusion between the desert, beach and mountainous areas of San José del Cabo, being a tribute to art, culture and traditions that is reflected in each space designed for an experience of comfort. and pleasure. Awaken the senses in a sanctuary of peace, where nature is invited to cohabit in a relaxed and cozy atmosphere framed by an exceptional view of the Sea of Cortez ..
“USD price is $660,000.00. Pesos price is $11,921,580.00 The exact peso price will very depending on the exchange rate the day of the transfer”
Private Remarks: 16 Amenities: Cava, Coworking Area, Endemic Garden, Sun deck, Grill Area, Art Room, Zen Zone, Gym, Pool. Applainces: Refrigerator, Stove, Dishwasher, Hood. Air-conditioning in Livingroom and bedroom, Carpentry in Kitchen and Bedroom Closet. ‘the usd price will change according to whatever the exchange rate is on the day of the transfer”
Legal: Fideicomiso
Unit Details: Pet Friendly: Yes
Title: Fideicomiso: Mifel
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Owning a home in Cabo Mexico is like having a slice of paradise to call your own.
Cabo James